13 Crabtree Arcade, Grand Avenue Lancing BN15 9PR, UK England
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We spend most of our life on our feet and in our younger years we often take our feet for granted, as we age our feet need a little more attention and care to keep us mobile and active without pain or discomfort.
With an increase in diabetes and a decline in foot treatments available under the NHS, there is a need for foot health care practitioners to help in preventative foot care.
Please call Elise to make your appointment for all your foothealthcare needs.
What is the difference
between a Foot healthcare Practitioner and Podiatrist you may wonder? to explain I have included information from The SMAE Institute explaining the training we undertake and the difference between an FHP and Podiatrist.
About the SMAE Institute
The SMAE Institute is the only provider for Credit Rated Foot Health Course in the UK.
The course is Credit Rated by Queen Margaret University and carries 60 Higher Education Credits at Level 4. The SMAE Institute is the only Institute to offer an FHP Diploma at this level.
The Diploma is equivalent to half of the first year of an undergraduate degree program.
Podiatrists and chiropodists can diagnose conditions and prescribe medication. They are also trained to deliver specialist treatment when it is needed.
Foot health practitioners work on a wide range of less specialist and invasive procedures, as well as observe general foot health. They will refer you to a podiatrist or chiropodist where necessary.
Who should treat me?Imagine foot healthcare as a range of treatments on a spectrum. Simple tasks like corn removals sit at one end, while something more complex and invasive, such as the treatment of an infected wound would sit at the other end. Similarly, the professionals who work in foot healthcare will be qualified to perform different tasks on this spectrum.
Podiatrist, Chiropodist or Foot Health Practitioner? What is a Foot Health Practitioner?
A Foot Health Practitioner keeps people’s feet healthy and gives advice on day-to-day foot care to ensure they are well kept into old age. As people are living longer today, more care is required to keep feet healthy and comfortable As well as working on foot complaints such as calluses and corns, FHP gained competence in treating verruca/warts using chemicals. In addition, FHPs trained in SMAE institute gained skills in how to reduce nails with a variety of nail drills and nippers and learned scalpel technique
For bookings
Call Elise's Foot healthcare @ Crabtree Foot clinic
for an appointment
on: 07592467482
Please call to book your appointment
Taking care of your health

Foot Assessment
We offer an initial foot assessment on all 1st appointment's and will carry out any treatment necessary and provide you with a continual treatment plan to keep your feet in optimum condition

Foot Treatment
We offer a wide range of treatments from regular toenail cutting to corns cracked heels verrucas and much more please look at the services page

We offer a range of products for athletes foot to foot scrubs and salts all available in the clinic or can be ordered please

Sharon, Lancing
I visited Elise at Crabtree foot clinic for a consultation and 1st appointment. Elise was very professional and very friendly and put me at ease I am very happy with the results of my 1st treatment and look forward to my next session. I would highly recommend Elise for all your'e foot health needs
Hazel lancing
I was extremley impressed during my first appointment last week. I was attended to by Elise as I wanted to discuss my bunion which had now deformed the next toes and was causing me discomfort walking. Thanks to the professional advise, treatment and toe separators i can walk in comfort again. Came away very happy. Elise has a friendly and professional manner. I can thoroughly recommend.